Alfred for House of Today


Alfred is a small bin thought like a piece of jewelry to express better the contrast of its actual fonction. However we are inviting the consumer to use it in his own way, it can be used as a desk bin, a bin for a bar or even an ice bucket or a Flower vase. 
The graphisme around the piece was thought as repetitive geometric form, a intersection between lines and triangle that gives a better esthetic to the silver finish, we really worked the design to highlight the value of the bin which is never the case. the triangles gives and electric elegant feel to the bin. 
The complexity of the manufacturing process is very high; the exterior decorations are hand made. Each line is engraved manually while the vase is in the turning machine. The turning is of 1 mm approximatively between each line.
The base is made with a lamination process,  you start from a tube. The tube shrinks and becomes higher. Then you close the bottom.
The top is made i spinning/turning lathe first, than metal needs to heat so it can be elastic again and you use the mould to give the "pointy" shape. With Plan hammers you smooth out the surface.
The steps are a lot but the most important thing is the hot/cold process that can modify the atom structure of metal so it can be more flexible and to adapt to new shapes.
At the end There are three bath; one for cleaning, one for the preparation of the surface and then Silver bath for some hours.

Photos by Marco Pinarelli 




Dreamstatic / MOOOi